MakeBread Resources & Tools

MakeBread resources is a list of useful tools, products and services that can help you on your bread making journey. The list also includes resources and tools for food bloggers, the same ones that we use to run MakeBread website.

fresh yeast conversion – Recipes requiring yeast call for different yeast types. That can be very confusing. Here you can find an easy yeast conversion guide and a handy calculator.

baker’s percentage – What is the baker’s percentage and how do you calculate it? Also, what is dough hydration and how is hydration calculated in bread dough?

yeast dough baker’s calculator – Select hydration and amount of flour to find out how much water, salt, and yeast you need.

sourdough baker’s calculator – Select hydration, amount of flour and starter to find out how much water and salt you need.

food additives – Convenience/packaged food we buy at shops is laced with numerous potentially dangerous and unnecessary colourings, flavourings and preservatives. Arm yourself with knowledge about food additives. Our free to download list is an easy and quick reference.

bread quotes – list of the inspirational bread quotes